The Far Side of the Ocean

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the ocean, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." - Psalm 139:9-10

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee

It started as a Nanowrimo challenge and evolved from there. My current work in process is a cozy mystery.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Leonardo Lunacy

Well, the review is in. I saw The DaVinci Code Saturday night. Having read the book a while back (good plot, aside fro all that obvious blasphemy, and horrible characterizations), I was rather interested in seeing the film because, um, frankly because it was filmed in a lot of places I have been to and I wanted to see them. I know, it sounds fairly shallow. I also wondered how they were going to translate what is basically a cerebral puzzle kind of book to the big screen. And I was fairly confident that a couple of hours of Tom Hanks with long hair was not going shake the foundations of my faith.

And my verdict is - I thought it was kind of boring. It wasn't as bad as some reviewers have made out, and I don't know if it was because I already read the book, but for the first time in I don't know how long, I got up in the middle of a movie to get some popcorn and a drink because I was bored and restless.

I won't go into how off his facts Dan Brown is. What added up to an eye roll here and there as I read the book ended up as a full on snort of disbelief in the theater because when the line of dialogue was spoken it just kind of sounded hokey (in my humble opinion). The movie stayed fairly true to the book. I'm glad I went because I like to be prepared when people are talking about it. I do wonder somewhat about people who will believe the book is true, but it really doesn't take that much digging into history to realize this is pretty much fiction through and through.

My moviegoing buddy thought the movie was pretty good, however. He didn't read the book though, so I wonder if that made a difference.


Blogger Katrina said...

I didn't read this book, so I'm ill equipped to enjoy what most critics are panning as a ponderous piece with too much exposition.

However, I do appreciate your desire to be able to talk intelligently about it, since I am currently limited to a "no comment" by my lack of exposure to it.

In the usual way of such things, I've noticed that the opposition to the book and now the movie has only served to increase interest in it! Funny how that goes...

6:46 PM  
Blogger Matt Brent said...

I've also read the book twice. Great story, but no one, even in secular scholarly historical circles gives the premise of this book any credance at all. That should tell people something right there. I'm grateful to Dan Brown for bringing a reason to talk about the Gospel right to our doorstep though. The general reaction of Christendom has been an over-reaction, imo, but what else is new?

1:36 PM  

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