The Far Side of the Ocean

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the ocean, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." - Psalm 139:9-10

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee

It started as a Nanowrimo challenge and evolved from there. My current work in process is a cozy mystery.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday’s Blender

1. I was so tired last night I forgot to take my contacts out before falling asleep. I never sleep in my contacts (bad for your eyes, no matter what they say). It was a novel experience to wake up and see. I didn’t even stumble on the way to the shower.

2. Continuing the tiredness theme, I forgot to put conditioner in my hair this morning. At the moment, it’s having a party up there, twisting and turning uninhibited, springing free of every attempt to restrain it. I think I’m just going to order it some pizza and give up.

3. Ha! Finished the second draft of the novel. As this was a near-complete rewrite of the first draft, I feel as though I’ve written two books this year. I just joined a critique group, which is exciting.

4. Completely random: In a recent poll of co-workers, we discovered that two of us have dreamed about the second coming of Christ while four of us have not.

5. Our tap class has a new teacher – a man (!)– who apparently thought we were capable of greater feats than we had ever attempted before. I did manage to throw down on my Maxie Ford’s, though not quite at the level of this gal.

6. What really killed me, however, was doing these across the floor for most of Monday night.
This requires muscles I didn’t know I had. I’m aware of them now.

7. I’ve noticed a lot of my long sleeved t-shirts are noticeably short in the arms. Sitting here, typing this, I’ve got a good couple inches of wrist bone sticking out. This only became apparent when the temperature dropped so low that exposed skin began freezing.

8. Any suggestions for getting cat urine out of carpet? I’ve tried: Resolve, Nature’s Miracle, Kids N Pets, and Borax. I’m about at my wits end. I’ve read that if you use a black light you can pinpoint all the places your pet has, um, doused. I’m almost afraid to do that, however. What if it turns into some sort of CSI tableau? You know, they turn out the lights, put the special black light on, and a massacre scene reveals itself? Hmmm.

On that happy thought, I hope you have a great weekend!


Blogger Katrina said...

Add me to the list of those who've dreamed of the penultimate Moment. It was so vivid and wonderful and when I woke up I remembered every detail, which I never do with other dreams.

I don't know about cat urine, but I found that Shout gets kid urine stains out of the carpet pretty effectively. Just spray it on, rub it in with a rag or brush, leave it for a few minutes, then come back and rinse it out with warm water--takes care of the visible stain and the smell.

12:19 PM  
Blogger lawyerchik said...

You are not going to believe this, but I tore a snippet out of the paper just yesterday on the cat urine topic (I thought that it might work after my dog's... ahem ... accident on my mattress).

Anyway, the suggestion was Punati Chemical's Smells Be Gone. If the problem is visual as well as olifactory, Spot Shot works on my dog's messes.

Good luck!! :)

3:02 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

For cat urine, we use Febreze Pet Odor Eliminator. It only helps the problem temporarily. Cat pee smells stay around for a while.

3:52 PM  
Blogger chrismarkgraf said...

HMMMM! This is very interesting. I was laying in bed last night with Christy discussing the Second Coming. I too have been having thoughts of this. I haven't had it in a dream, it is just a nagging poke deep within my spirit. I have been dealing with this for about 6 months now. To the point of looking up online pounds of rice/flour per person to survive per year, water purifacation, etc. The previous sentence may or may not be relavent depending on whether you believe the Assembly of God, Methodist, Baptist pre-millenial school of thought (rapture included) or the traditional post-millenial view taught by the Churches of Christ, Orthodox, and Catholics. Either way there will be a Second Coming and we should be prepared. I actually used to study Revelations quite a bit. I need to do some refreshing. Blessings!

10:37 PM  

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