The Far Side of the Ocean

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the ocean, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." - Psalm 139:9-10

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee

It started as a Nanowrimo challenge and evolved from there. My current work in process is a cozy mystery.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Shower Me

I was recently speaking with a friend about a couple I knew who had about 6 or 7 wedding showers for their upcoming nuptials. She looked at me and mumbled, "We had 10."

I must confess, if there is one thing that I can get truly jealous about regarding being single is the fact that I would really like a wedding shower. I don't necessarily need a groom, per se. And I don't want one just so I can be the center of attention and receive gifts from tons of people. (Okay, I would like to receive gifts from tons of people - who wouldn't?)

I want one for the reason they were invented - so I can fix up my house. Most of my household goods have been inherited from my Grandmother, so I have some really odd stuff - like 23 wineglasses from a woman who never drank alcohol - and a hand-crank coffee bean grinder from Holland. Interesting, for sure, but not entirely practical.

I need picture frames. Lots and lots of picture frames. Those are expensive, folks. I need a duvet cover and a dust ruffle. My current "bedspread" is a bargain blanket Mom picked up in Tijuana, Mexico. My dining room holds a card table. I own one tablecloth that does not fit it. I have two sets of sheets. None of my towels match. I think the same could be said for my small army of drinking glasses.

I do have a decent set of dishes. Grandma bought them for me when I was engaged several years ago. She saw them at the grocery store and collected most of them with special stamps or something. I didn't get to pick out the pattern or anything, but it's very liveable.

I know the heart of my problem. I have got to stop looking at Pottery Barn, Pier One, and Restoration Hardware catalogs. It's creating a greedy consumerism that is gnawing at my anchors of contentment.

When I lived in Scotland, household goods there were so expensive and my salary was so minimal that decor was pretty much what I called "missionary chic." I remember getting so excited when I found framed Monet prints on sale in the produce department at Safeway.

I know I need to save up to buy these things if I truly want them. Yet when I imagine what I would do with a cash windfall, I immediately start planning imaginary trips to Italy and Australia and my beloved Scotland. And think of all the books I could buy! All the friends I could fly out and see!

Ah, so I suppose I don't really need a wedding shower ... just someone's air miles.


Blogger Jules said...

Heh:) I don't think in all my kids, wedding etc that I've EVER had 10 showers all
You needed to have (and still could) a housewarming shower. Even if it's just gift cards. We've done that here. In fact when we moved out of our first apartment here, the friends I had at the time were ALL moving from the "first house" to NICE ones & all had "House Warmings". Even when people couldn't make it, they sent a gift card to Home Depot, Lowes or WM/Target.
See if someone at church has heard of that or someone at work could throw it. I could never muster my courage to "ask for" any of these so I got what I got. I'm not really that forceful of a personality in all reality.:)lol
Hard to believe I know. hee hee
Oh yeah, Paul & Katrina received a "pounding" when they first moved to the NW. Everyone brought a pound of something-flour, sugar, detergent, butter etc. With all my boys I could use one of those.:)lol

9:22 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I have been wanting to throw a housewarming party, but I just want it to entertain friends and "warm up" the home. I would never ask for gifts. If people wanted to, that is fine, but I wouldn't want to be tacky by asking for anything. I'm not that forceful in reality, either! :)

1:33 PM  
Blogger Jules said...

LOL Me neither. I just can't do it.

8:45 AM  
Blogger lawyerchik said...

You could always just have an "open house" to invite people to your home, especially if you've moved in the last year. Of course, that might not result in house-warming gifts, but it would give people a chance to visit, see what you like/need, and maybe give them ideas for your Christmas/birthday presents.... :)

I feel the same way about baby showers. I know babies are cute and snuggly, and that new parents need all the help they can get, but they also get the smoochable, sniffable, loveable baby to keep. If I have to go to one more baby shower, I think I will dissolve into a puddle!! :)

11:46 AM  
Blogger Katrina said...

I guess sometimes you just have to decide between feathering your nest and feathering your wings. :) I think you're making a wise choice.

(All the wedding gifts are chipped, melted, stained or broken now, but memories are forever!)

9:22 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

lawyerchick - Your comment could not have been more timely - I attended two baby showers this weekend. :)

Katrina - Great comment - very good point. The memories I have will last a lifetime and I wouldn't give any of them up for all the Pottery Barn decor money could buy!

6:17 AM  

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