The Far Side of the Ocean

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the ocean, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." - Psalm 139:9-10

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee

It started as a Nanowrimo challenge and evolved from there. My current work in process is a cozy mystery.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Zoos, Motorcycles, and the B-52s

Jules over at Pearls and Jules of Wisdom tagged me for eight random or unknown things about myself. In lieu of the fact that I have not had time to blog about my recent family vacation, which included a rather adventuresome canoe trip, I offer you the following trivial tidbits:

1. I am a zoo snob. I grew up as a card-carrying member of the Koala Kids Klub at the San Diego Zoo, and I therefore believed all zoos were like the one in San Diego. Imagine my extreme disappointment and shock when it turned out that zoo was an exception, rather than the rule. To this day I have a hard time visiting other zoos because I feel sorry for the animals.

2. I won an air-band contest my senior year of high school. Some friends and I performed as the B-52s to the song “Dance This Mess Around.” A beehive hairdo, flapper dress, and hula hoop were involved. We advanced to regionals but our road to fame ended there.

3. I like to ride motorcycles with my father. When I was a toddler he strapped my booster seat to the back of his motorcycle and we would go on rides. We tried to rent a Harley last week when he visited and go for a day down the Natchez Trace Parkway, but all the rentals were sold out.

4. My senior prom was at Sea World.

5. I leave loose change everywhere – my dresser, my desk, the coffee table, my closet floor. Worse, some of it is still UK currency, although I haven’t been back in two years. As I write this, there is a 20 pence coin in my pen holder.

6. I refuse to shop at Wal-Mart on a Saturday afternoon.

7. I actually like Ramen Noodles (Creamy Chicken Flavor). I took a whole case with me to college, much to the chagrin of my roommate who couldn’t stand the smell of them.

8. While I hope this would not be a random nor unknown fact about myself – I am a Christian. I was baptized and became a Christian when I was 14 and love the Lord and my church family. I try to make serving God the most important thing in my life. I also have a passion for mission work and missionaries and am blessed to have friends in Scotland, England, Australia, India, Uganda, and Romania.

All right, Jules – hope you are happy!


Blogger Amy said...

I love this, Shell!! I have never eaten Ramen Noodles. Think I might have to try 'em out!

6:21 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Thanks! Go easy on the noodles at first - they aren't for everyone. It helps if you are starving first and then realize you can have a dinner on 15 cents. It kind of increases the ambience.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Hey girl! Didn't even know you had a blog! I'm with you on the Creamy Chicken Ramen Noodles - I eat them almost every day for lunch! Tell everyone at Talstone hello. We miss you all too!

9:13 AM  
Blogger Jules said...

:) Thanks for playing! And what exactly IS an air-band?? Is that like playing air-guitar??

11:21 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

You gotcha - imagine an entire band made out of air! It's a lot like karoke, but you've got costumes and sets and stuff.

12:28 PM  

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