The Far Side of the Ocean

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the ocean, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." - Psalm 139:9-10

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee

It started as a Nanowrimo challenge and evolved from there. My current work in process is a cozy mystery.

Friday, April 06, 2007

I Could Sleep Forever

Recently, an acquaintance told me she had a conversation with some old friends of mine, who asked about me.

“They asked me if you were married, and I told them no,” she explained, with a sad look on her face.

“And then they asked me if you had any prospects, and I told them I didn’t think so,” she looked at me with a little frown. “And then she said, ‘That’s such a shame, because she’s so sweet. I don’t know why she isn’t married.’”

While I appreciate the fact that I am, indeed, “sweet,” which is much better than being classified as, oh, “bitter,” that dreaded phrase “I don’t know why you aren’t married yet” is not quite the compliment I think some people believe it to be.

I know it is meant, in all innocence, as more of a “You’re a great catch,” but to the single (or at least this single) there is an unspoken fear that, deep down, there is something wrong with you. That somewhere along the way I screwed things up. I didn’t pray hard enough; I overlooked someone. I wasn’t thin enough, pretty enough, or congenial enough. I was too independent, too talkative, too quiet, too outgoing, too short, too fat, too curly-haired, too spiritual, too worldly, too, too, too….

It messes with my mind. It makes me doubt myself and worse, it makes me doubt God’s plans for my life. I feel like the leftover, the forgotten, the one who must always plaster a smile on her face as she sits at dinner with all her couple friends once again and pretend everything is all okay. And frankly, there are moments when it is just not.

Compared to the problems other people have I know this is tiny, nothing, miniscule. It’s just my little bundle of sticks to carry. But at the moment, I’m tired just so tired of carrying them.


Blogger lawyerchik said...

I know exactly what you mean. I still get that at 43, and I feel the same way. It's worse when you meet men around your age and everyone assumes that if you're both single, you'll hit it off, so they try to set you up or watch to see if anything "sparks." The awkwardness! :)

It is OK to feel like that. It really is. I've been quoting Hannah (the prophet Samuel's mother) about how my not having a husband is bringing shame on me, and there are times I do feel that way when I think about it. I'm just trying not to think about it so much.....

Hang in there, and have a blessed Easter!!

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To my knowledge, no one has ever inquired as to whether or not I am married, OR if I have a significant other. I never thought about that till now.


Younger bro

12:02 PM  
Blogger Jules said...

Perhaps I should be more concerned about you than I am.;)LOL (joke!) I guess I never considered your singleness an impediment. I see it more & more with people our age & honestly as a sign that your "other" isn't ready I guess I admire what you've done with your individual self-which I have to point out is more than most couples do for their Savior-and I've just never worried about you finding someone to share your life with. And that's not because I'm selfish or don't think of you often, it's because I KNOW you. ;)
There's ulitimately nothing I can say to make you feel better, but I hope it helps knowing I don't worry about your singleness.;)LOL

1:24 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Thanks so much for the encouragement. :)
Jules - You rock!

8:09 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

Oh this is so true, and so hard to bear sometimes, isn't it? I will say this, when they STOP saying it, you have as many if not more concerns, too. Hard to know which is better...God's plan for your life is better than any that you could dream up alone. It's hard to trust it, but that's what He asks of us.

I was married, but not to the right man. I doubt all the time whether or not I am capable of making good decisions after I so obviously made such a bad one. We have to find the positive and focus on that.

And I for one, think you are wonderful.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Katrina said...

I watch my wonderful sister riding this same train around, and wince every time someone says something similar to her, because I know how she feels about it.

Yes, she wants to be married. Thanks for asking.

No, she doesn't want to go out with the guy you think is perfect for her, and if she told you about her last blind date, you'd understand why.

Yes, she would love to come over for dinner, and thanks for including her and recognizing that she is a whole and fun and delightful person to be around, not an "extra" or a "project."

Certainly, it is a mystery why some incredible people are single when they don't want to be, but it is God's mystery, and He'll reveal His purposes in His own time.

Meanwhile, I am loving watching you live and embrace your life through the little window on this blog, and, selfishly, enjoying the time I have spent with my sister that I might not otherwise have had.

6:34 PM  
Blogger RosieBoo said...

Shell as a 41 year old never married, I so feel your pain. I love the question too, "So, do you WANT to get married?" Pah-leez...does pig like slop??

My Associate Pastor listed the top 5 things you never say to singles once, and the number one entry was "You're so nice, I don't understand why you are single." He said, if someone says that to you, reply "You're so nice, I don't understand why you are married." :)

10:43 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Rosieboo - Ha! I love that. Thanks so much for sharing.

Thanks. You are such an encourager.

11:34 AM  

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