The Far Side of the Ocean

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the ocean, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." - Psalm 139:9-10

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee

It started as a Nanowrimo challenge and evolved from there. My current work in process is a cozy mystery.

Monday, February 26, 2007

We Interrupt Your Life to Bring You...

Random bits from the corners of Shell's mind:

1. In addition to the pulled muscle, I also caught a cold dubbed "The Terminator" by Younger Bro. I still don't have the back of it yet, but it has reduced me to the kind of person who carries around her medicine in a separate plastic bag because it doesn't fit into her purse.

2. While backing out of my parking space at the library today, I saw a pair of white G-string underwear laying on the ground. This is inexplicable to me, and the rest of the way to work I kept wondering how they got there, who they belonged to, and so on and so forth.

3. I was told this weekend that I am "intelligent and cultured." Although I appreciate the compliment, the night before I had sat at my coffee table hunched over a bowl of Ramen watching American Idol. So, sadly, it may not be an accurate statement - on either count.

4. I'm trying to get my momentum back for the novel writing. In November I wrote 50,000 words. Since that time I've turned out another 12,000. Obviously, I am the kind of person who needs a deadline.

5. Sometimes, you do get nice mortgage people on the phone, who speak in clear, understandable English and, even when they aren't able to help you, are proactive in transferring you to someone who can. Thank you, Wells Fargo.

6. Is it okay to not like Al Gore? Because, folks, I am sick to death of him. The headquarters for the Gore/Leiberman campaign was in the building next to where I used worked in Nashville. And the ones running those headquarters were horrible to us. They used to sit on our cars at lunch and smoke cigarettes and sneer when we shooed them off. It just biased me against him. I don't like Hilary either, just to throw that out there. (P.S. Please don't send me nasty comments full of your political opinions - thanks.)

7. Oh, and Valentine's Day this year? Well, remember what I said about how the best ones tend to be unplanned for and unexpected? I was right.

8. Sunday morning the weather felt just like Scotland in the summer. I miss it. So I raise my little cup of hot tea to you, my other home. *sigh*

9. I think this medicine is making me slightly loopy. It's making my novel

very interesting.


Blogger Jules said...

You crack me up!;) This is my kind of blog. And I think even the Beckhams must at least feed their kids Ramen sometimes...right?
And I'm so waiting to find out Global Warming is something Al Gore invented.;) hee hee I needed this, thanks! Oh & if you don't email me to explain if a GUY made your Valentine's day great, I'll hate you forever. (how's that for drama!?) Bwwwwwaaahaaaa!

7:11 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

I love #3!! It's so true, isn't it? I once had a co-worker tell me I had a great vocabulary (something that is so untrue) and then my son used a word I didn't know. LOL

I just had to print off my NANO novel for a friend at church. She heard from my son that I had written a book and wants to read it. Um, NO. Okay, I'm being nice about it and letting her, but it's not like I've even edited the thing. Yeah, when does November roll around again?

10:09 AM  
Blogger Katrina said...

This was a VERY fun-to-read post, my friend! Hmmm...a white g-string. And Al Gore. And cold medicine. Sounds like all the ingredients for a heckuva short story. ;P

7:56 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Thanks! Although Al Gore, a white g-string, and cold medicine sounds like some sort of evening news scandal, come to think of it... hmm.

8:47 AM  

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