The Far Side of the Ocean

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the ocean, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." - Psalm 139:9-10

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee

It started as a Nanowrimo challenge and evolved from there. My current work in process is a cozy mystery.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Yesterday began a little saga in our world that I hope ends soon. Hamish, my gray and white cat, is mysteriously sick. He's been sick everywhere (although not quite on the scale of Caleb ), but still sick enough to make us empty the bottle of Resolve.

I thought perhaps he had eaten a bug or something and just needed to get it out of his system. But the sickness kept going through the night, so this morning I determined to take him to the vet. I hauled out the Pet Carrier and attempted to stuff him (gently) in it.

Hamish wanted none of that. Normally he is very compliant and will usually walk in it of his own accord. But somehow, today, he knew. And thus began our battle. As I pushed, he anchored his claws on either side of the little door and hung on for dear life. I managed to get the front half of him inside, and he hooked his back claws into the carpet. There was no hissing or biting, just a very determined effort to not go in there. He twisted, he turned, he hung on.

Finally, I had to call in the big guns. Younger Bro is pretty much the Cat Whisperer in our house and he tried the belly-rubbing, gentle-talking, firmly guiding method. Hamish didn't squirm nearly as much, but he let him know it was not going to happen. We were just about to consider wrapping him in a towel when YB succeeded in popping him in the carrier.

Once inside, he settled down complacently and didn't even let out a meow. He's a good car rider, so there were no problems there. The vet can't figure out what is wrong with him, although she took X-rays and there are no obstructions. They are going to keep him the rest of the day for observation. She told me he's sitting in the surgery ward at the moment (due to lack of space elsewhere) and is very happy looking around. Apparently he has won over the staff with his sweet demeanor.

I learned a couple of lessons today:
1. Don't wear a black top while attempting to wrangle a gray and white cat.
2. Never kiss the top of your cat's head while wearing lip gloss. He won't like it and neither will you.
And just for general purposes,
3. Always open the seal on your tub of yogurt facing away from your body.


Blogger Jules said...

I was pretty much smiling through the post & then about lesson #2 I couldn't stop laughing out loud.:)
And #3, well Matt came home telling me the SAME thing this week. I think I've learned not to make this mistake.;) Good luck with the furbaby. That can be pretty stressful.

7:22 AM  

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