The Far Side of the Ocean

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the ocean, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." - Psalm 139:9-10

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee

It started as a Nanowrimo challenge and evolved from there. My current work in process is a cozy mystery.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Not for the Faint of Heart

Well, who knew that removing cat urine from carpet would elicit such helpful responses? Certainly not myself. Many thanks for all of the suggestions. I finally broke down on Saturday and purchased a black light for the express purpose of detecting any unknown spots.

Boy was that illuminating. (No pun intended.)

The box the light came in had a handy legend so you could also identify any other, um, materials. It also gave other possible uses (so you would feel better about your purchase, I suppose), one of which encouraged you to take it along when you travel so you could check out your hotel room.

I saw that special on TV already, so I know that’s the last thing I want to do when I check into the Motel 8.

Anyway, I waited until dark and turned the light on. I had fun at first waving it around, checking out the brightness of my socks and the watermark in my stationery paper. Finally, consulting my handy guide, I started going over the carpet in the office. And now I know why I couldn’t get the odor out of that room.

Because Hamish did not merely confine himself to one corner as I had previously thought. It wasn’t just the carpet that was victimized. Cardboard boxes and plastic bags fell before his onslaught.

On the upside, it looks like Kids N Pets did not let me down. On the downside, I’ve got a lot more cleaning to do. And when I’m done, I’ll still have this handy light for, well, what else can I use this light for? I’ve come up with a few ideas:

1. I can check the progress that Crest Whitestrips make over time in order to not appear as Ross on Friends.
2. I can investigate dollar bills for counterfeiting.
3. I can hold my own personal rave party. Granted, we don’t abuse any substances at our house (except maybe Doritos and root beer), so it may be a rather tame rave, but we can blow whistles and jump around all the same. (Tangent thought: How many Weight Watchers exercise points do you think you could accrue by jumping around?)
4. I can get into fluorescent wall art.
5. I can mesmerize the cats.

Any other suggestions?


Blogger Katrina said...

I've heard that scorpions fluoresce nicely under black light, so now you can inspect the cracks and crevasses of your house for hidden horrors!

Other things that show up in black light:

hairline cracks in pottery and glass
defects on x-ray screens
art forgeries

Sounds like you have the makings of a decent side business there, what with all the diseased cats and forged Monets in the world! ;)

2:37 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Hey, I hear lichens are big business these days...

2:51 PM  
Blogger SlushTurtle said...

Who knew Katrina had such a vast array of black light knowledge? I have no suggestions, but did spit tea out my nose when I read that the box suggested traveling with the light!

10:07 AM  
Blogger lawyerchik said...

You could learn to make black velvet Elvis paintings or the one they had on that one White Castle commercial..... Just kidding!! :)

1:07 PM  

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