The Far Side of the Ocean

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the ocean, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." - Psalm 139:9-10

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee

It started as a Nanowrimo challenge and evolved from there. My current work in process is a cozy mystery.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bits and Pieces

On Exercise
I’m not sure who selected the music for the women’s center at the YMCA this evening, but it was, umm, interesting. As I huffed and puffed my way through various apparatus (apparati?), “I Need a Hero” came blaring over the loudspeaker. One minute I was a simple woman working out - the next I felt like I was in some cheesy 80s workout video montage.

It was a little disturbing. But when that song finished, along came the refrain of “The Neverending Story.” I couldn’t do anything in time to that, so I sort of hummed a different song in my head, trying to think of something very upbeat and exercisy.

Happily, we ended the session with Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band’s “Ole Time Rock and Roll,” which kind of redeemed the whole experience in some respect.

On How NOT to Win My Heart
Please, upon discovering I was a missionary in Scotland, do not attempt to talk to me in a Scottish accent. Unless you are 100% confident you are dead-on accurate, which you weren’t, just resist the impulse. And while we are at it, let’s not put me on speakerphone, okay? It’s a little nerve-wracking when I hear you give a shout out to your buddies. Who else is in on this call?

On Shakespeare in the Park
I saw MacBeth Saturday night and nearly froze my Capri-panted rear off. Who knew the temp would plummet? Certainly not I, nor the concession stand gurus who stood forlornly trying to sell Sno-Cones while the coffee line grew progressively longer.

On Old Friends
One has known me since I was 16 and a young whippersnapper running around the beach in San Diego. The other pledged my club with me my freshman year, became my roommate my sophomore year, and has seen me through thick and thin. We got to share dinner and The Bard Saturday night, and I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect birthday treat (okay, an extra blanket would have been the icing on the cake).


Blogger Jules said...

Just happy you got to do something fun for your birthday. :) And praying B wasn't the idiot with the bad Scottish

1:13 PM  
Blogger Katrina said...

You need an iPod. Then you can huff and puff to your own choice of music and stop fearing the moment Olivia Newton John swings into play on the loudspeakers.

Also, I LOVE Scottish accents. YUM! (Probably at least partly why Gerard Butler is so high on my heartthrob list!) Although, since I've never been to Scotland, I have no idea when someone's doing it wrong.

Glad you enjoyed your Shakespeare!

1:21 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

LOL. Rest easy; it was someone else who is now off the radar. :)

1:22 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Katrina - To clarify: I adore Scottish accents on Scottish people. :)

And I definitely covent the IPod crowd!

3:09 PM  

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